
About Easy Buyer’s Agent

Found in 2018 and albeit new as a company, the Principal Consultant of Easy Buyer’s Agent, Tommy Segoro however, has had more than 10 year experience in property investment specialising in passive investing. Our vision is simple: that is to help client buying the greatest quality property and providing as seamless experience as possible.

Having owned more than 5 investment properties himself, Tommy knows that to buy the right property rather takes a lot of time and effort. And having experienced purchasing a bad investment and losing money, he realises that without settling on the right property, clients are simply planning to fail.

This is why he started Easy Buyer’s Agent because through this service, Tommy hopes that he can help clients buying the right property while being isolated from all the stress such as doing the research, dealing with Real Estate Agents, negotiating, property inspecting and managing builder.

This portal has also been created specifically to provide as much information as possible on property buying. We hope you enjoy your stay here, and please do not hesitate to get in contact with us if you have any questions on property buying.

Some of our external partners:

  • – Product review site reviewing day-to-day items that are useful and valuable.


Western Australia 6163

+61 404 457 754

Monday-Sunday 09:00AM - 10:00PM

We will respond to your email within 24 hours guaranteed!